Gifts for 8 Month Old Baby Girl

Your 8-month-old baby is busy, busy, busy — busy exploring, learning, moving around and engaged in more sophisticated interactions and play.

That means you'll be plenty busy keeping up with your little one too. Milestones like crawling are on the horizon if he isn't scooting around on all fours already, and he's probably baby-talking up a storm. Plus playtime is more fun all the time.

Here's what's coming up for your 8-month-old.

Your 8-month-old baby's development

At a Glance

Sleeping basics

At this age, babies typically sleep about 11 hours at night (many straight through) and take two daily naps that add up to three to four hours.

Feeding basics

Your baby should get 24 to 30 ounces of breast milk or formula a day and 4 to 9 tablespoons of cereal, fruit and vegetables daily, as well as 1 to 6 tablespoons of protein foods.

Did you know?

Even at 8 months, babies will look away from something that's too easy — or too difficult — for them to understand.

Your baby's ability to communicate is expanding daily, and you'll notice him attempting to use sounds, gestures and facial expressions — not to mention those adorable laughs and squeals — to get your attention and let you know what he wants.

As he strings together more vowel and consonant sounds, you'll start to hear "real" words — including the all-important "Mama" and "Dada."

You are certainly the most important people in his life right now, which makes it unsurprising that your little one has likely developed a fear of strangers.

Why has your social butterfly all of a sudden become antisocial with strangers? This social snubbery isn't snobbery — it's a sign of maturity, and it's perfectly normal at this stage of development.

This sudden shyness and newfound clinginess will pass. So give your little one the space to socialize at his own pace, and on his own terms.

Speaking of clinginess, you may also notice your cutie has become more attached to a comfort object, like a blanket or stuffed animal. This, too, is perfectly developmentally appropriate.

With independent mobility comes the realization that he can separate (or be separated) from you at any time, and that epiphany is partly exciting and partly unsettling.

A comfort object acts to fill in as a Mommy or Daddy substitute, allowing your baby to bring that comfort along wherever he goes. For now, let your baby have the security he craves.

Your 8-month-old baby's growth

Your 8-month-old baby girl will hit the scales somewhere between 13 and 23 pounds, while your baby boy will be weighing in at 14 to 25 pounds. On the length charts, look for your baby to fall somewhere between 25 and 30 inches.

To keep up with that growth, baby will be interested in expanding his food repertoire and trading in that spoon for finger foods and self-feeding.

Sure, the transition from spoon to fingers will be messy and frustrating on both sides of the high chair. But as your baby perfects the pincer grasp as he nears his first birthday, his ability to hold smaller objects, like peas and small pasta shapes, will improve — considerably expanding the menu and the amount of self-feeding that can practically be done.

For now, stick to finger foods that can be gummed before swallowing or that will dissolve easily in the mouth: whole grain bread or waffles, rice cakes, oat circle cereals, cubes of cheese or tofu, avocado, banana, pear, melon or mango slices, small chunks of cooked carrot, sweet potato, or cauliflower florets, baked or poached fish, meatballs, chicken, pasta, smashed beans, or scrambled or hard-cooked eggs.

Avoid uncooked raisins, whole peas (unless they are smashed), hot dogs, nuts or popcorn, grapes, hard or gooey candy, chunks of peanut butter, raw, firm vegetables or fruit, and large chunks of cheese, meat and poultry.

Your 8-month-old baby's health

Baby won't have a well-visit for another month, but you probably have plenty of questions about how your baby's growing and developing.

Poison-proof your home

Medicines, cleaning products, furniture polish, antifreeze fluid, windshield wiper fluid — all of these are dangerous poisons, and should be locked away out of baby's reach (and out of sight). Read More

Allergy medicine for baby?

Just because your baby has allergies (which are rare in babies but can happen) doesn't mean you need to keep him inside all day long. Talk to the pediatrician about what allergy meds may be safe for baby to help minimize symptoms such as sneezing, itchy eyes and an itchy, runny nose. Read More

Leaving baby in the car

Don't do it. Ever. Car temperatures can soar to dangerously high levels in just a few minutes. In fact, heatstroke — which occurs when body temperature rises to 104 to 105 degrees Fahrenheit — is the leading cause of non-crash, vehicle-related deaths among children. Read More

Tummy trouble?

Vomiting in older babies can be caused by motion sickness, food allergies, a stomach bug or food poisoning. While nausea and bouts of vomiting usually go away on their own, don't hesitate to call the doctor if you're concerned. Read More

Acupuncture for babies

Studies suggest that this ancient Chinese medical practice can ease illnesses like colds, fever and coughs (especially when combined with Western medicine). If you're interested in trying it for your little one, talk to your child's doctor first, and always make sure you choose a licensed acupuncturist. Read More

Postpartum & new baby tips

Stimulate your 8-month-old's senses

Stimulate your 8-month-old by describing how things work, how they are used and how they are different.

For example, "When I turn on the faucet, water comes out," "The car will help us get places faster than walking with you in the stroller," "The doggy says 'woof' and the kitty cat says 'meow'".

Spend time talking, singing songs and reading books to boost his language skills; play games that help explain concepts like cause and effect (fill a cup of water in the bath and let baby turn it over) and object permanence (play peek-a-boo).

Point out sounds (the fire truck) and smells (the flower) and give your child a chance to experiment and explore — even if it means smearing yogurt in his hair or pulling up tufts of grass in the yard.

The "oopsie" game

The scene: Your dinner table. Your 8-month-old is in his high chair with an enticing array of foods before him. Your baby has his bib and his spoon. So, is he eating? No!

Instead, your baby is merrily tossing his spoon overboard — over and over and over again — and giggling with glee every time you pick it up and return it to him.

Is your baby simply enjoying watching you stoop down to the floor? Is he trying to drive you crazy on purpose? Nope. Your baby's brain is just busy working on two big concepts: cause and effect ("When I throw this, Mom picks it up! Cool!") and object permanence ("I can't see this while it's under my chair, but wow! There it is again!").

As annoying — and hard on your back — as it may be, this drop-it-again-and-again routine is a sign of the crucial cognitive development of memory and abstract-thinking skills.

Finger food safety

Finger foods are especially welcome now, since babies this age like to feed themselves — or try to. It's not pretty, and it's not neat, but it's gotta happen.

Just make sure you're always supervising when you graduate to finger foods.

And remember, even babies who have teeth aren't ready for steak yet: Those first teeth aren't for chewing, just for biting. Make sure everything you give your baby can be easily gummed, for safety's sake.

More reasons to exercise

Exercise boosts energy along with immunity. Shoot for at least 20 minutes of sustained activity three times a week, although 30 minutes, four or more times per week, is better in the long run for stronger bones.

How? Now that your baby is older than 6 months, strap him in a jogging stroller and go for a run. Or use a front pack or backpack if he can sit unsupported and take a brisk walk (no jogging with your baby in a pack).

If you're inside, try an exercise video or mini-trampoline. Or just put on some music and boogie — your baby will find watching you endlessly entertaining!

Best fruits for baby

Turn your baby into a fruit fiend by giving him squished blueberries or small pieces of soft fruits like bananas or very ripe, peeled and skinned pear.

To make it easier to pick up slippery banana pieces, try dusting them in crushed Cheerios first.

Ripe mangoes, peaches, apricots, kiwis, honeydew and cantaloupe are also likely to appeal to your baby's sweet tooth (or gums), but make sure to take off any skin first.

Not all fruit is baby-friendly, though. Avoid pieces of apple, even without the skin, for now. Ditto any other harder-textured or unripe fruit that could get stuck in the windpipe.

Why babies love soft blocks

There's a reason why blocks have been around forever — they can do so many things. Before your little one learns to stack them, they'll be good for grabbing, holding and mouthing, so get simple cubes that are made of cloth but can still be easily stacked.

The best ones have colorful pictures and make a soft, jingly sound when squeezed or shaken. Early on, before he's sitting up, you can show him the pictures on the blocks and talk about them and let him listen to the blocks as you squeeze or shake them.

Later, boost his gross-motor skills by stacking the blocks and letting him knock them down with his arms or legs. Or show him how to toss the blocks at a safe target — the sofa, say, or the rug.

Your 8-month-old's mobility

Your baby's large-motor skills will be tested as he learns to sit up comfortably and steadily and work on pushing himself up into a seated position from his tummy.

Some babies begin to creep or crawl this month, or even discover that they can move around quite well by scooting on their bottoms.

If your baby was an early crawler, he may now move on to standing (pulling himself up the sofa — or your legs — to get upright).

Encourage this new view of the world, and maybe even those first wobbly steps, by arranging the furniture (like chairs and low-lying tables) in a row so he can inch his way across with steady support — a motor skill called cruising.

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author ofWhat to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

  • What to Expect the First Year, 3rd edition, Heidi Murkoff.
  •, Food to Avoid Feeding Your Baby, May 2019.
  •, The 9-Month Well-Baby Visit, March 2020.
  •, Is Your Baby Grasping the Pincer Grasp, November 2018.
  •, Seasonal Allergy Medications That Are Safe for Babies and Toddlers, October 2020.
  •, Types of Vomiting in Babies and Toddlers, July 2020.
  •, Acupuncture for Babies, January 2019.
  •, Why Leaving Your Child in the Car Is So Dangerous, October 2020.
  •, Safety Tips for Poison Control, February 2019.
  •, How Much Should My Baby Eat?, April 2020.
  •, Here's How Much Sleep Babies Need, June 2020.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics, Starting Solid Foods, October 2020.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics, Infant Food and Feeding, 2020.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics, Transitional Objects, August 2009.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics, Recommended Immunization Schedule for Children and Adolescents Ageds 18 Years and Younger, 2018.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, WHO Child Growth Standards, November 2009.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, WHO Child Growth Standards, November 2009.

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Gifts for 8 Month Old Baby Girl


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