Baby Its Too Loud Shouting Flirtations Over the Crowd Lyrics




SOME- Ahem. Sorry about that. Some categories of television shows seem more prone to this type of acting than others:

  • Programs going for dark and edgy, where the constant shouting is supposed to reinforce how permanently angry/edgy/completely bonkers the character is. Police procedurals in particular are prone to this.
  • Children's programs with young actors who constantly shout at each other and EMPHASIZE every WORD they THINK is IMPORTANT! — the audio equivalent of Bold Inflation.
  • Adult presenters on children's TV who assume their young Viewers Are Morons.
  • The occasional infomercial, especially if it's by Billy Mays.
    • Or someone else trying to be Billy Mays.
    • Or the UK's equivalent, Barry Scott.
  • More rare than the above: An individual is just louder than most other people, even in series, perhaps because they are hard of hearing.
  • BRIAN BLESSED! So loud he deserves his own category.
    • He has his own category.
    • He IS his own category.
    • He is the category.
    • "... If they're not laughing, it's not comedy. Well either that, or you're just not SPEAKING LOUDLY ENOUGH! "

In extreme circumstances, a character will become so loud that the show can be watched only with the volume turned down, making it a problem when the quieter characters speak. In the worst case scenario, the character will become such a headache that the viewer might be put off watching. These are the shows that you can't have on in the background when you're talking to someone; you'll be drowned out.

Can be justified if the actor in question has had a stage career, where voice projection is critical, or if the show is being taped in front of an audience where people in the back row might otherwise have trouble hearing what's happening on stage. However, the fact that many shows with an audience manage to achieve an "indoor voice" suggest that the trope can be avoided.

See also:

  • Caps Lock, effectively the written form of this.
  • Cute, but Cacophonic, when characters you wouldn't expect are this, hence it's often used in comedies.
  • Gale-Force Sound, where the yelling is so loud, it actually causes strong winds.
  • Hot-Blooded, where a character is like this due to the passion in his or her heart.
  • Large Ham, who probably lacks an indoor voice, but gets away with it by virtue of sheer charisma.
  • Make Me Wanna Shout, where someone with No Indoor Voice uses volume as a weapon (or has to deal with people who take advantage of this).
  • Punctuated! For! Emphasis!, where, in addition to shouting, the person also adds an exclamation mark after each word.
  • Screaming Warrior, for a character who deliberately speaks this way in order to appear intimidating.
  • Staging the Eavesdrop, when someone intentionally says something loudly with the explicit intent of getting someone to eavesdrop on it.
  • Suddenly Shouting, which uses a deliberate contrast between normal volume (or quietness) and shouting FOR MAXIMUM IMPACT!
  • Volumetric Mouth, the usual secondary trait of cartoon characters who yell, where their mouth scales up considerably to match the volume.


  • ANIME & MANGA!!!
  • FAN WORKS!!!


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  • Sam Kinison was the epitome of this trope ALL THE F***ING TIME FOR NO REASON! AHHHHHH!
  • Lewis Black only yells when he thinks something is mindbogglingly idiotic. So, every second PUNCHLINE.
  • In Dane Cook's routine regarding the horrors of working the drive-thru at Burger King, he asks why some people feel the need to YELL at the speaker.

    Customer: WHOPPER!
    Dane [on headset, recoiling in pain] Um, sir —
    Dane: Look, I'm bleeding from the ears, Pacino! Let's calm down!

  • Gilbert Gottfried. Oddly enough, when he was 25 in his SNL years, he was quite soft-spoken.
  • Bobcat Goldthwait in his early stand-up days. Not so much nowadays.
  • Chris Rock, frequently dovetailing with Angry Black Man.
  • Italian-American comedian, vaudeville and radio performer, and singer Jerry Colonna, who frequently co-starred with Bob Hope in the Road to ... franchise. He could take a musical syllable and stretch it out for a looooong time, in a "five-alarm voice". His career with Disney also has some noteworthy examples: narrator of the "Casey at the Bat" segment of Make Mine Music, the March Hare in the Disney animated version of Alice in Wonderland, and the narrator, Casey Jones, and his brakeman in The Brave Engineer, telling the legend of engineer Casey Jones who vows to deliver the mail on time via steam locomotive.


  • Asterix: Centurion Nebulus Nimbus in Asterix and the Big Fight. The only time he speaks at a normal volume is an attempt at whispering. The rest of the time, HE IS VERY LOUD. In the original French, his name is Langélus, a type of church bell. And church bells need to be...? That's right, LOUD. The character's equivalent, General Caous, in the British dub of the Animated Adaptation, was dubbed by none other than BRIAN BLESSED.
  • Doctor Doom.

    "YOU INSOLENT FOOL! How DARE you not give Doom the GLORIOUS entry he DESERVES!?"

    • Lampshaded in Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #50:

      Airport security guard: How do you do that?
      Doctor Doom: Do what?
      Airport security guard: Speak in all capitals like that?
      Doctor Doom: Silence, minion.

  • In Hitman, due to a series of strange events the favorite pub and hangout of the main cast ends up with a short demon as the bartender and cook. He only seems to know three words: "I AM BAATOR! "
  • Daniel Boom from The Adventures of Daniel Boom AKA Loud Boy. The title says all. Just a kid with literally no indoor voice.
    • JJJ is particularly loud in LEGO Marvel Superheroes as well. "IF YOU DON'T CLEAN UP THIS MESS, I'LL TELL EVERYONE YOUR MIDDLE NAME IS OLIVIA!"
  • Transformers
    • Siren has been written this way:

      Nightbeat: Siren... inside voice, please.
      Siren: RIGHT. SORRY.

    • Siren was raised in the Sonic Canyons, where constant ear-splitting noise is a part of everyday life. He's probably never going to adjust properly, all told. Also, he's a police car; do you really want him to be quiet? Alternatively, he may have come up in a raucous, industrial area of Cybertron full of rough-and-tumble bots, where he learned being anything but loud and obnoxious meant you were overlooked or picked on. There's conflicting canon on the matter.
  • "Marvel What The..." had "Ahearya", where everybody was constantly screaming (justified as all the nukes made everyone nearly deaf).
  • American Chibi from Astro City tends to shout a lot. Goes with her Genki Girl personality.
  • Thor, appropriately for a God of Thunder. Lampshaded by Spider-Man in Amazing Spider-Man #500:

    Spider-Man: He shouts. All the time. You ever notice that? He's a shouter.


  • In an intentionally comedic example, this was the entire joke of the minor character Loud Howard from the Dilbert comic. For the TV series, he was combined with fellow minor character "Nervous Ted" and made into a supporting cast member. The character was constantly shouting about trivial and sometimes bizarre worries as if they were significant. His lung power is such that his sneezes can strip the flesh of someone's bones.
  • Peanuts:
    • This is the gimmick behind the character Charlotte Braun.
    • Actually, every major character in the strip at one point or another would become so angry or excited that they'd yell loud enough to cause bystanders to somersault backwards.
  • Bullhorn in Spot the Frog has a nearly deaf girlfriend for this reason.
  • L.H. Puttgrass, MAN ON THE STREET!!!!, is a notable always-loud character in Bloom County — and he's heading to the tub.


  • The White Witch in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (1979) is about 70% this trope, 30% Snake Talk.

    White Witch: Anyone who mentions [Aslan's] name again, shall be instantly KILLED!!!

  • Many are like this, especially Speedy in Spark Plug Entertainment's A Car's Life: Sparky's Big Adventure.
  • Alicein Wonderland: The Queen of Hearts yells and shouts most of her dialogue, especially when she's angry. It doesn't help that she has a nasty temper.

    Queen of Hearts: THAT DOES IT! OFF WITH HER HEAD!!!

  • The Beast from Beauty and the Beast is always yelling/roaring, at least until he smartens up a bit.

    Beast: GET OUT! [begins throwing furniture around as he continues yelling/roaring] GET OUUUUUUUUTTTTT!!!!!!

  • Beowulf: "I! AM! BEOWULF!"
  • The Incredibles: "BEHOLD, THE UNDERMINER!"
  • In Leafie, a Hen into the Wild, Leafie's loud, excitable voice annoys the other animals living at the marsh.


  • A cover of Chameleon Circuit's song "The Sound of Drums" on one Trock compilation album. Which is odd, as the original is almost entirely done in a Stage Whisper, except for a exclamation of "REGENERATE!" near the end.
  • An anonymous user sent lyrics for a love song to Songs to Wear Pants To, but happened to type them with caps lock on and with almost no punctuation. The end result was "DREAMING OF LOVE", a love song in which Andrew Huang breathlessly shouts every word over manic techno music.
  • "Weird Al" Yankovic's song fragment "Let Me Be Your Hog":



  • In Classical Mythology, a herald for the Greek forces during The Trojan War called Stentor was said to have a voice as powerful as fifty men screaming together. Another myth has him defying the god Hermes in a shouting contest and losing, causing his death. He's the origin of the word "stentorian" in English and similar expressions in other languages (like "une voix de Stentor" in French).


  • Cacophony from Jemjammer shouts a lot, to the point where Kit has her re-do stealth rolls on occasion to see if anyone heard her exclamations.
  • Larry of Nitro Game Injection is, according to himself, "a very loud black man." Even when he does try to be quiet, he's loud.
  • In Welcome to Night Vale, Hiram McDaniel's green head always shouts, even when complimenting the Old Faceless Old Woman in the live show 'The Debate'.
  • Pretending to Be People features Dave from Akron, a hard-drinking fan of Planet Juggernaut and spectator in the Scrap Pit.


  • The title character in W.S. Gilbert's 1866 poem "King Borria Bungalee Boo".

    ''King Borria Bungalee Boo

Was a man-eating African swell;
His sigh was a hullabaloo,
His whisper a horrible yell —
A horrible, horrible yell!''


  • Very common in wrestling when giving promos ... as said wrestler's goal is to always show just what a badass he is and why he will be the new champion.
  • You didn't have to be in the room to know when Iron Mike Sharpe had a match.
  • And of course, Hulk Hogan himself, BROTHER! Listening to his normal voice is a bit jarring after hearing his louder, more growly promos.
  • The Iron Sheik these days doesn't seem to have a setting lower than this.
  • Heck, this is how professional wrestlers in general are depicted speaking. Lampshaded in MAD Magazine's 1989 movie parody Battyman, in which "Battyman" theorizes that "The Jerker" has such a wild voice because he watched too many wrestling shows as a kid.
  • Scott Steiner. Big time.
  • Damien Sandow, during his time as a heel, would get the crowd's attention by demanding that the audience remained silent when introducing himself, concluding with a condescending "You're welcome!"
  • Wade Barrett, when going by Bad News Barrett, would get the audience's attention by banging a gavel and making a thundering proclamation of "bad news" for the audience.
  • Paul Heyman, when acquainting himself to the audience, especially when he is about to announce the arrival of Brrr-ockk Lesss-narr!
  • Vince McMahon: Many times:
    • Back in the day when he was the affable, all-around nice guy lead commentator, he'd use this voice when condemning heels' actions toward a face. An example: When corrupt referee Danny Davis fast-counted The Hart Foundation's pinfall victory over the British Bulldogs in 1987.
    • In 1990, toward the end of the Brother Love Show segment where Hulk Hogan was sneak attacked by Earthquake, the referees and ring officials were taking too long to move Hogan. McMahon finally lost his patience and yelled, "Move it, move it!"
    • By 1998, as the corrupt, evil owner of the WWF (later WWE), he was regularly doing this to face wrestlers he wanted to humiliate and embarrass. Often, he'd scream at the top of his lungs " YOU'RE FIRED!!!!! " (to a wrestler that was being fired in storyline); and one time, he demanded Mick Foley — after failing to defeat "Stone Cold" Steve Austin — " GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES!!!!! "


  • In the French satirical show Les Guignols de l'Info, the puppet caricaturing JoeyStarr, a French rapper who had some trouble with justice, always seems to be yelling angrily — even when perfectly calm. He also snores loud enough to wreck up his bedroom.
  • The Guy Smiley character from Sesame Street has this problem. There is one skit where he's doing a news piece in the jungle and the guide is telling him to keep quiet so as not to scare the rare animals, and the third time he does it he says, "WELL THIS IS AS QUIET AS I CAN TALK!"
  • Precious Roy from The Sifl and Olly Show rarely says anything that makes sense, but always says it in the same intonation.



  • We Are Our Adventuring Avatars: Ravager's voice is so loud, she has to whisper in order to speak like the others.


  • While shouting from sports announcers is kept to when it's arguably appropriate, the amount of gratuitous shouting increases the further from the actual sporting event the "sports show" happens. Interviews with athletes outside of the game or official announcements become louder as the relevance of the questions decreases. "Sports chat" shows, generally consisting of a small group of men (and sometimes one female) talking about the statistical and business side of sports, are almost as bad as sports interviews. Sometimes gratuitous harsh language is thrown into the mix, just for edginess or something. ESPN is basically built on anchors with (naturally) divergent views on sports shouting at each other for an hour or so.
  • Anything on ESPN, especially the late-afternoon (East Coast) weekday programming block: Dan Le Batard is Highly Questionable, Around the Horn, and Pardon the Interruption in immediate succession. While it was on the air, Jim Rome is Burning fit the bill as well.
  • Legitimate example of No Indoor Voice: Hall of Fame basketball announcer Dick Vitale. This is not so much a case of always shouting (although he does plenty of that, too) as just a case of having an unusually loud regular speaking voice.
  • Paul Allen, the radio voice of the Minnesota Vikings. Probably best known for his Big "NO!" during this Tecmo-Bowl-recreated play
  • Dick Bremer, television announcer for the Minnesota Twins, personifies this trope when anything interesting on the field is happening.
  • Gus Johnson, a football and basketball announcer for CBS and the play-by-play announcer of Madden NFL 11 and 12. Some examples can be found here and here. And here. (And how.)
  • And in World Cup Soccer, who can forget: "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLL!!!!!"


  • Warhammer 40,000:
    • Ahem. ALL SINNERS FEAR THE EMPEROR'S WRATH!!! Oh, wait, the sinners in the back couldn't hear me. *Ahem* ALL SINNERS FEAR THE EMPEROR'S WRATH!!! There. Now all the sinners in the building are deaf.
    • In the grim dark future of the 41st millennium, the people with the loudest voices hold the highest ranks. How else are the soldiers going to hear your orders across a noisy battlefield?
    • Somewhere hidden deep within years of canon are the Shoutaboyz, orks with abnormally loud and carrying voices, who yell to comunicate between villages, airplanes, AND GARGANTS!!!!
    • Orks in general. They love contributing as much noise as possible to the fight. Say it with me! WAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHH!
    • The CRASSUS ARMOURED ASSAULT TRANSPORT meme, which originated from a copy-pasting of the titular Awesome Personnel Carrier's name on the Forge World site, where it was written in all caps. Other posters continued referring to it as the CRASSUS ARMOURED ASSAULT TRANSPORT until it reached Memetic Badass status.
    • Likewise, this has become standard procedure among fans when referring to COMMISSAR CIAPHAS CAIN, HERO OF THE IMPERIUM!!!
  • In Exalted, Malfeas, the Demon City, has particular talents in ostentatiousness, force, and rulership. A common fan depiction has him spending his entire time with his volume turned up to about nineteen.
  • Werewolf: The Apocalypse had Zhyzhak, the signature Black Spiral Dancer. Her little form of Wyrm-touched madness was an inability to control the volume of her voice, making the MOST MUNDANE ANNOUNCEMENTS sound like fevered ranting.
  • A passing mention in Magic: The Gathering, on one of the flavor texts for Chandra's Outrage, "Chandra never believed in using her 'inside voice'.".


  • Paulette in Legally Blonde tends to speak in a very exaggerated loud voice even when trying to be calming.

    Paulette: (putting on a relaxing CD) You hear that? It's called CELTIC MOODS!

  • John Adams in 1776 has a tendency to express his opinions at a very high volume, to the displeasure of his fellow Congressmen.

    Franklin: Softly, John, your voice is hurting my foot.


  • Ace Attorney:
    • Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney's title protagonist is notable in-universe for his loud voice. Kinda lampshaded in Case 1, where he mentions his daily "Chords of Steel" training. And during his first trial the judge actually calls him out for yelling in court. To be honest, every lawyer in Ace Attorney has some pretty epic OBJECTION shouts, but Apollo is the king of them all.
    • And from the first game, Officer Mike Meekins, who sometimes SHOUTS INTO HIS MEGAPHONE TO GET HIS POINT ACROSS with accompanying "feedback" sound effect. When we see him without the megaphone in Investigations he's a little more subdued.
    • Apollo's loudness is hilariously lampshaded in this exchange from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies:

      Hugh O'Connor: Then again, we're not like you people, talking endlessly in those annoyingly loud voices.
      Athena Cykes: OBJECTION! Annoyingly loud voices? I'd like it if you refrained from insulting my partner like that!
      Apollo: Normally, I'd shout, "Objection!" right about now, but I'll take this one for the team.

    • In the same game, the suspect Robin Newman apparently screams even louder than Apollo most of the time. That is, until her true gender is revealed.
    • Athena Cykes to an extent too, she's happy to make noise be it with her mouth, blowing a animal trainer whistle (shown if you show her said whistle in the DLC case of Dual Destinies), or slamming her desk as hard as she can. She even voice trains with Apollo as shown by the Prologue anime of Spirit of Justice.
    • The Queen's royal guards in Spirit of Justice tend to shout the last few words of every sentence and drag out the words as well.

      Royal Guard: She can even see what's going on thooooousands of miiiiiiiiiles away!!!

  • Kiyotaka Ishimaru from Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc is louder than most of the other characters
  • Katawa Shoujo:
    • Misha. Generally seen translating for the deaf-mute Shizune (to and from sign language, in case you were wondering). The game's set in a school for the disabled, so some fans think Misha's partially deaf.
    • Shizune's father Jigoro also has a tendency to speak very loudly, but this is simply because he is rude and seemingly in a perpetual bad mood. Things get humorous when he gets into an argument (read:epic shouting match) with Misha. Shizune and Hisao take the opportunity to bail out and disappear together.


  • Homestar Runner
    • Strong Mad. Strong Bad lampshades this at one point in the Strong Bad Email "the facts" by asking him to keep it down, to which Strong Mad replies, "I CAN BE THE QUIETEST MOUSE. I LIVE IN THE QUIETEST HOUSE!". "Zero Volume Control" indeed!
    • Also Crack Stuntman. Oddly, the character he voices doesn't have that problem.
  • Caboose misses the point of an argument between Church and Wash in Red vs. Blue:

    Church: Why didn't you tell me that it was taking technology from the Freelancers?
    Wash: Why didn't you tell me that Wyoming was on the ship?
    Caboose: And why didn't someone give me something to yell about?

  • Catbug from Bravest Warriors. As this compilation demonstrates, no matter how low you turn the volume down, Catbug's volume... doesn't turn down at all.
  • DSBT InsaniT: Frog, just to add to his annoying factor.
    • Duck, which goes well with his somewhat short-tempered attitude.
    • Bill, being Hot-Blooded only adds onto it.
  • The Most Epic Story Ever Told in All of Human History: Ridiculously Epic screams through all of his parts in the trailer song. His assistant Ridiculously Epic Fail does as well, though his voice is broken up by several voice cracks.
  • In Battle for Dream Island, this is Yellow Face's way of being more hearable, as his voice is a little too quiet.
  • Inanimate Insanity: Toilet is the web animation president of this trope, as he constantly shouts "MISTAH PHONE!"
  • hololive Indonesia's Kureiji Ollie spends a lot of her stream time yelling excitedly, and all of her tweets are styled in ALL-CAPS to reflect this. She properly made her 2D debut by screaming at the top of her lungs, and will often introduce herself in others' streams with an excited shout as well. People have (jokingly) noted that being in Ollie's streams has a tendency to cause hearing damage, especially if she gets excited.


  • Flame Warriors: ALL CAPS appears to lack one, based on their habit of communicating with the caps lock constantly on.
  • TV Tropes: The Adbot of course — check it out.
  • The SCP Foundation has SCP-2337 ("Dr. Spanko"), a talking bird that, at its quietest, is slightly louder than an average human shout note 90 dB, to be precise. At it loudest, well: when enthusiastic, 10 minutes of point blank-exposure to its voice will disintegrate flesh.


  • Marcus of Mega64 is always yelling. Once when asked to be quiet, he said that "THIS IS AS QUIET AS I GET! I CAN GO LOUDER IF YOU WANT!" In a weird twist, Marcus only lowers his voice when he is extremely angry.
  • Dr. Chronos, founder of The Time... Guys has a hoarse, shouting voice as his trademark, especially any... TIME he gets to use his favorite word.
  • Danny, The Tourettes Guy, full stop. A normal tone of voice for him would be shouting for other people, and he can (and often does) get louder.
  • Team Fortress 2 player ChoZo combines this with Cluster F-Bomb and MANLINESS as his schtick.
  • azuritereaction, a popular Let's Player, often lacks an indoor voice and loves to shout and rage in his videos.
  • Glorion of JourneyQuest tends to lose his indoor voice whenever he's excited, which is most of the time.
  • Chris "Rowdy C" Moore from TV Trash. When he is especially angry, it is recommended that you turn down your computer's volume.
  • The Runaway Guys: Chuggaaconroy and ProtonJon are notoriously loud. The third, NintendoCapriSun less so... though he can can be quite loud himself. Later videos have shown him to be just as loud as Proton Jon and Chugga. One time, The Runaway Guys were so loud, they actually woke up a woman in the hotel they were staying in.
  • Golgotha from Noob, especially when one realizes that she's actually inside in real life and not in the open field in which the player avatars are seen running around.
  • Simon Lane of the Yogscast takes the cake even by his group's standards, often disrupting other people's recordings because he's screaming from several rooms away, once setting off a car alarm outside. Yogtowers is in an office block and a few floors off the ground.
  • Achievement Hunter's Michael Jones combines this with Sir Swears-a-Lot. The other members of Rooster Teeth have said that Michael is so loud, you can hear him from other rooms shouting "FUCK! SHIT!" and other colorful words.
  • Frankie MacDonald, a Canadian V-Logger uses this style exclusively in his weather reports, which have made them quite popular. On his videos that aren't weather reports, his voice is more subdued. It seems that MacDonald based his voice on field journalists who shout to be heard over outside noise, but he uses it even in his indoor reports,like this one.
  • In association with Team Four Star, The Unexpectables has Jerry the Flumph. Being in the mind only makes it worse...

    Task: Can we dial it back from 11?
    Jerry: WHAT'S AN 11?

  • The Mysterious Mr. Enter can yell quite loudly at times, particularly in Animated Atrocities.
  • LissySandwich of The Bowlingotter Show is naturally bubbly and boisterous. Her husband Bowlingotter is as well, to a somewhat lesser extent.

    REAL LIFE!!!

  • Truth in Television: some people are just always loud, and have to constantly be reminded to quiet down. Let's face it, you have probably met/known at least a handful of people like this in your life. You might even BE this person.
    • Deaf people who have learned to speak have this problem. Since they are unable to hear, they often aren't able to control the volume of their voice.
    • Also applies to people with one-sided-hearing-loss (i.e. those deaf on only one ear). Part of that condition is the inability to easily adjust the volume of ones voice to the volume of the environment and to unconsciously speak louder to make everyone else speak up, too. Just imagine it like you're on a telephone — all the time. You'd be speaking louder, too.
  • Little kids. In Pre-school through elementary school, kids are usually taught to use their indoor voices.
  • It's very common for autistic people to speak MUCH louder than necessary. Because of their lack of neurotypical social savviness and issues with sensory processing, they may not realize they are unintentionally shouting until this is pointed out to them. Some speak normally (and some to the point of being inaudible) but get louder as the day progresses, leading to people telling them to lower their volume in the afternoon/evening.
  • Drill Sergeants in general.
    • Many DIs are actually fairly quiet when they're not "on", but it's pretty much a prerequisite for the job that you have the capability to embody this trope.
    • They generally get quieter as their trainees get closer to graduation and become a more cohesive group; but if you screw up, they will be more than happy to remind you that they still know how.
    • This trope has justification on a parade ground. You have to be heard to relay marching orders over the sound of a brass band and footsteps from boots.
  • Hans Bauge, a popular Norwegian TV-debater in the 1990s.
  • Richard Quest, a British CNN reporter, always sounds loud, aggressive and offended when he opens his mouth, except that he hardly ever is. He talks about it too, in his typical manner.
  • Lil Jon's persona in his music is this, with it being incredibly rare to have any lyrics NOT DELIVERED AT A SHOUT. It can thus be quite a shock when he's offstage and proves to be pretty normal, if not soft spoken.
  • Many singers have to project their voice, as do stage actors. Often this can result in some people talking louder when not on stage. In choirs, since altos are low, they often need to project their voices in order to be heard, especially if there are some loud sopranos who are already projecting their voices at the same time.
  • This is pretty much a requirement for heavy metal singers, especially in the more underground genres, and for good reason. note On the other hand, a number of them are quite soft spoken offstage.
  • People often talk louder on cellphones than they would on a landline phone because the latter uses a slight delay to play back the speaker's voice. Cellphones omit this feedback mechanism, as anyone in earshot of a cellphone conversation can attest.
  • Adolf Hitler was famous for this in his speeches to the point that he rarely has a recording of him speaking quietly.


Baby Its Too Loud Shouting Flirtations Over the Crowd Lyrics


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